Tanjung Lesung has wonderful panorama and is still natural. Stretch white sand and variety of coral decorate the beach. Sloping sand beach provides space for tourists to play sand, sunbathing, and sports such as volleyball and soccer.
Named as Tanjung Lesung because the location is jutting to the sea like mortar (in Bahasa is Lesung). Lesung is traditional tool to rice pounder. Tanjung Lesung, with an area of 1500 hectares, is one of tourist attractions that you must visit beside Charita Beach and Anyer Beach. These beaches are in Banten province, too.
Some activities that you can do in this beach are diving, snorkeling, fishing, banana boating, jet skiing, or making sand palace. Tanjung Lesung is not directly facing to Indian Ocean, so the wind and waves are quite friendly. The sunset adds charm to this place with its white sand as far as 15 km. Many luxury resorts in Tanjung Lesung nowadays. So you and your family can stay here to enjoy its beauty.
How to get Tanjung Lesung Beach
Tanjung Lesung Beach is located in Tanjung Jaya Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. If you are from Jakarta, there are 2 alternatives to get Tanjung Lesung Beach. The First way, you take Jakarta – Merak highway, then exit in East Serang gate. After pass Serang city, you continue travel to Pandeglang and Labuan. You will find Tanjung Lesung Beach. It takes 3 hours from Jakarta.
The Second way is to take Jakarta-Merak highway, then exit in Cilegon gate. Then, you pass to the Anyer – Carita coast along. Take direction to Labuan, and you will get Tanjung Lesung Beach.
You will enjoy the natural beauty of Java Island’s end.
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